New State Legislation

New Legislation

1.     Mandatory DAEP Offense (Could result in Expulsion)

HB 114 makes offenses involving the possession and/or use of vapes i.e. electronic cigarettes a MANDATORY DAEP OFFENSE.

School Districts will now be required to place ALL STUDENTS who are caught in possession and/or using vapes (OF ANY KIND-NOT JUST THOSE WITH DRUGS) into DAEP.

DAEP is a Discipline Alternative Education Placement for students who violate the Student Code of Conduct. Offenses that warrant a DAEP placement include but are not limited to the possession of drugs, alcohol, electronic cigarettes (vapes), serious bodily injury to others, and terroristic threats.

Seashore Charter Schools’ substance abuse prevention program will continue helping individuals develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to prevent substance abuse.

2.     HB 1416 formerly known as HB4545

HB 1416 Accelerated Instruction

HB 1416 What’s Changed